Thursday, April 8, 2010

you should have seen it in color.

actually, I should have seen it in color. 

i thoroughly love being with my daddy in the woods; nothing else matters to me when i'm there.

there's just some days when i like to leave town in the rearview and be able to step out in the country & just be still for a moment. 

i try to grasp the little images in my mind; the ones that i can't capture through the lens of a camera like the smell of the air, or the feel of the grass on my feet & the wind in my face. 

sometimes though, there's just no way of explaining it. You just have to be there to see for yourself. 

& when daddy starts talking about the "way things were" when he was growing up, I imagine him doing the same thing. I can see him trying to take in every second of the beauty that surrounded him.

we can be standing out in a broad open field, and he portrays a story of his childhood to me, making me feel as if it were all taking place right then and there.

there are so many things that he speaks of that used to be so different compared to now, and I know that when i'm telling stories to my children (Lord willing!!), they will probably say the same thing.

i guess the truth of it all is that everything, no matter when or where, had it's time of beauty & remembrance. There was a day when it had its time to "shine".


& maybe now it has rusted, whithered, or faded away, but that's where people like my Daddy come in and bring it all back to life for me to see it the way he did. 

and that is when i truly wish I could've seen it in color. 

1 comment:

Grace said...

Beautiful girl!!!