Sunday, June 19, 2011

I've waited so long just to come home to you..

I mentioned in my recap that the girls & I went out for dinner last weekend. 
What I didn't mention is that I wanted a photo of the three of us prior to us leaving because we always look back and wish we had taken one. 

Seems like we got it, right? Well. 

No one was home, we were all fixed to leave, and when no one's home to take a photo & you're ready to hit the road what do you do? 
You find a tall object, another thick book, fiddle with the camera settings, press the shutter, and RUN to get into place before the camera clicks at the "10 Second" mark. 
Truly an act of congress, I know. 
BUT nevertheless, here we are! In all our rushed glory.

Megan has been busy with school and work in the afternoons, but we have managed to get a good conversation in each day on the phone, but it was good to see her face. 

Hollie and I usually talk everyday as well, but it was also good to have her home so we could all spend the afternoon/night together.

I don't really know how we could each talk to each other everyday like we do and still have so much to say when we see each other. The conversations are never ending, the laughs never fail, and I always shut the car door to go inside after it's over knowing that I've been blessed with two wonderful friendships. 

I look forward to these nights during the summertime and any other time, really. 

These girls have two totally different personalities, and where mine fits amongst them is probably the real question. I guess I'm the "quirky" of the group, always interesting in weird things such as: music, clothing, odds & ends (from antiques to nail polish), movies, and I'm sure they could name others as well. The truth is, they give me an even amount of support and the same amount of advice. I always know where I stand with them, and I don't know what I've done to deserve their friendships.   

1 comment:

Grace said...

Great photos!