Friday, November 21, 2008

[no subject]

So, as some of you know, i take on LOTS of projects at once.
My new project though, i'm really excited about.

My daddy tells me i should do something with all my paintings, and i guess i'm going to. I'm only talking about it now, actually doing it will be the great thing.
I've been painting Christmas pictures (like most of the ones you might see on a cookie dish, or a welcome mat) that simply say "Merry Christmas".. with red & green (duh) and other colors.
I'm thinking about putting them in Robins just to see how well they sell, if i put 5 or 6 in around the store & they catch someone's eye, i'll try keeping it up, if 5 or 6 get sold from now until Christmas, i'll stop.
I guess i'll never know until i try, right?

So, i'm expecting to have alot of stuff done this time next week.
Dandy Doodlez here i come.

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